Round Corner Guards | Everything You Need to Know
Posted by Walter Tod on
Round corner guards are normally called "Bullnose" corner guards and they are typically used when the corner of the wall is rounded (is a bullnose corner). Do I Need Round Corner Guards or Can I Get 90° You should always get the corner guard that matches the radius of the wall corner for three reasons. First, aesthetics. The designer of the building designed rounded corners as part of the aesthetic of the whole interior and will want that aesthetic to remain. Second, superior damage protection. When a corner guard matches the shape of a corner, any impact will be distributed across the whole corner guard because it is both rigid and flat against the wall corner. If you put a...

Wall Guard Mounting Height
Posted by Walter Tod on
Before you determine the mounting height of your wall guard you need to decide whether you will be using one or two wall guards. Mounting Height for One Wall Guard If there is one wall guard mounted near the floor it will normally be around 12" off the finished floor (measured to the center of the wall guard/crash rail). This can vary a few inches depending on the height of the baseboard and width of the wall guard that you are using. Mounting Height for Two Wall Guards If you are using two wall guards/crash rails, the first one will be around 12" off the finished floor and the second will be around 36". Again, this will depend on the...